jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008


Si habré gastado esa palabra..

I'm a little tired,
I can't help it! I love being here, I love my cousins and my aunt and uncle,
I love this city, I love not being in MDP,
but I hate the fact that I can't be free,
I can't be alone any moment, I can't go anywhere (if I don't know how to get there, that's why.. if I do know, then it's because they are afraid that I might get lost or because of the danger they talk about).
I love that little girl called Carolina and that's why I'm here, but I'm not a house-bug, and less, I'm not a very social-bug.. I need time for myself, (NEED TO GO TO SAN TELMO, OR FLORIDA, OR SOMEWHERE, damn).
Time to think, to take pics, to SPEAK ENGLISH, to talk aloud, with no sense, to sing,
And I need, most of all, that they respect my space, that they give me some freedom, some SOMETHING. Wanna go out, wanna see my princess and my friends, wanna have my computer, with my pics, and my programs and my games,
I miss so many things. I'm missing things, THAT, exactly that, it's what worries me the most.
Fuck. =( I'm sad, or annoyed, or "saturada".

Hoy a la tarde fuimos al centro con Emma,
me recorrí como 10 locales de ropa (creo que es más cerca de 15 que de 10),
me compré unas calzas fuccia, y vi un par de remeras que pienso comprarme mañana-
Me compré un cuaderno, saqué algunas fotos,,
Comí saladix.
No sé, no tengo ganas.
Me fui,

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