jueves, 23 de agosto de 2007


I've been throwing away some memories that looked like garbage..
Old feelings,, old letters, old stories.
I was that girl, not anymore. Not the one who forgives, nor the one who forgets. Doesn't matter. All of that is in a plastic bag, waiting. Tears? No way, man.

Mierda. Como convierto una limpieza de mi cuarto en un baúl de sentimientos (?). JAJAJA QUE POETAA.. dios. Las cosas que hay que leer (y las escribo yo misma, fuck)-


I've killed you, don't you realizee??
May I please ask you to go to the Hell?

There. There is where you are going. Bye, sweetie. Hell/13.

Have you ever felt like your head is a complete chaos and you want to leave it somewhere and just stop remembering? Yeah, well. I've been there. If you can, just get out.

Chaos, Lullaby, Garbage. Crece la lista (L)

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